If you wish to find liens or mortgages recorded on a Documented vessel, you may request a USCG Abstract of Title via the link below. This generally takes 2-3 business days to produce by the National Vessel Documentation Center. The associated fee for this report is $75.
You may look up Coast Guard Documented Vessels by their names, Hull Identification Numbers, and Official Numbers via the CGMIX Coast Guard Port State Information Exchange.
The search will reveal the Vessel Information (Vessel Name, Official Number, Hull Identification Number, Flag, etc.) the Vessel Particulars (dimensions), Service Information, Tonnage Information and Vessel Documents and Certifications, including the issuance and expiration of the current Certificate of Documentation.
You will not find Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as the Managing Owner’s name and address on any public database. This information has been removed from public access as of 2018.
Example of USCG Vessel Documentation Search by Name
Vessel Information: | Vessel Particulars: |
Vessel Name: EXAMPLE Primary Vessel Number: 7777777 (Official Number (U.S.)) Hull Identification Number: XXXX1014G407 Manufacturer Hull Number: N/A IMO Number: N/A Vessel Flag: UNITED STATES Vessel Call Sign: N/A | Service: Recreational Length: 57.40 ft Breadth: 14.10 ft Depth: 7.50 ft Build Year: 9999 Alternate VINs: N/A |
Service Information: | Tonnage Information: |
Service Status: Active Out Of Service Date: N/A Last Removed From Service By: N/A | Cargo Authority: N/A Tonnage: 33 – Simplified, Gross Ton 27 – Simplified, Net Ton |
Vessel Documents and Certifications |