Hull Identification Numbers (HINs) are issued by State Registrars/DMVs for home-built vessels intended for personal use. If you intend to obtain US Coast Guard Documentation for a home-built vessel, you may apply for a Hull Identification Number from your State Registrar during the Documentation process.
If your vessel is not home-built, it already has a Hull Identification Number issued by the manufacturer or importer. This includes ‘kit boats’. If you are intending to apply for US Coast Guard Documentation to obtain a vessel Official Number, you may proceed to the webform application for Initial Documentation via the link below:
Coast Guard regulations require manufacturers to affix two identical Hull Identification Numbers (HINs) on every recreational boat used or intended to be used on waters subject to Federal jurisdiction. Each Hull Identification Number consists of 12 continuous characters at least one-quarter of an inch in height, uninterrupted by spaces, slashes, hyphens or other symbols.

If you have constructed a home-built vessel, you may apply for a Hull Identification Number from your State Registrar, listed below. The Hull Identification Number issued will begin with the two-letter State Abbreviation Number, followed by a “Z”.
Alabama | ALZ | Kentucky | KYZ | Ohio | OHZ |
Alaska | AKZ | Louisiana | LAZ | Oklahoma | OKZ |
Arizona | AZZ | Maine | MEZ | Oregon | ORZ |
Arkansas | ARZ | Maryland | MDZ | Pennsylvania | PAZ |
American Samoa | ASZ | Massachusetts | MAZ | Puerto Rico | PRZ |
California | CAZ | Michigan | MIZ | Rhode Island | RIZ |
Colorado | COZ | Minnesota | MNZ | South Carolina | SCZ |
Connecticut | CTZ | Mississippi | MSZ | South Dakota | SDZ |
Delaware | DEZ | Missouri | MOZ | Tennessee | TNZ |
District of Columbia | DCZ | Montana | MTZ | Texas | TXZ |
Florida | FLZ | Nebraska | NEZ | Trust Territories | TTZ |
Georgia | GAZ | Nevada | NVZ | Utah | UTZ |
Guam | GUZ | New Hampshire | NHZ | Vermont | VTZ |
Hawaii | HIZ | New Jersey | NJZ | Virginia | VAZ |
Idaho | IDZ | New Mexico | NMZ | Virgin Islands | VIZ |
Illinois | ILZ | New York | NYZ | Washington | WAZ |
Indiana | INZ | North Carolina | NCZ | West Virginia | WVZ |
Iowa | IAZ | North Dakota | NDZ | Wisconsin | WIZ |
Kansas | KSZ | Northern Mariana Islands | CMZ | Wyoming | WYZ |