While the US Coast Guard holds no official position on the ceremony of renaming a vessel, it does, however, require official forms to be completed prior to the ceremony. Operating a Documented vessel with a name not matching the Certificate of Documentation is a violation. Below is the process for submitting your official name change request to the National Vessel Documentation Center, followed by the widely accepted Ceremony for renaming your boat. Included at the bottom of this page is the ceremony in downloadable PDF format for printing.
In order to change the name of a US Coast Guard Documented Vessel, you must first complete the appropriate forms required to update the National Vessel Documentation Center’s database with the new vessel name (CG-1258). Once filed and returned, you may remove the previous name and add the new name. If the vessel has a mortgage or lien on record, you must first apply for permission from the mortgagee or lienholder to change the name of the vessel.
Completing this form will automatically renew your Vessel Documentation for one year, unless you elect to have multiple extra years added to your Documentation.
NOTE: All Coast Guard Documented Vessels MUST display their registered names at all times.
To proceed with the Vessel Name Change Webform, you may proceed to the following link:
Naming and size/lettering requirements for vessel names and hailing ports may be found at the webpage below:
According to legend, renaming a vessel without following time-honored traditions can incur the wrath of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Poseidon holds the name of every vessel ever launched recorded in the Ledger of the Deep. Therefore, if you want the vessel to carry a new name, you must purge it not just from the ledger, but also from Poseidon’s consciousness. Have a compass nearby if you do not already know the headings of North, South, East and West, and learn and understand the pronunciation of the archaic terms and the names of the wind gods prior to the ceremony. This ceremony requires multiple bottles of champagne.
Remove all known traces of the current vessel name
Take any and every item bearing the name off the vessel. This pertains to documents, decor items, nameboards, life rings, etc. Strike the name from every record, ranging from log books to maintenance documents. Some sailors recommend burning these, to ensure you obliterate the name, but white-out fluid may be used as well. After you have completed these steps, write the old name in water-soluble ink on a metal tag. Do not, take even one item with the new name onboard yet; you must not do this until you’ve completed all of the tasks outlined below.
Removing the old name of your vessel: The Purging Ceremony
The official ceremony calls for good champagne and good friends as witnesses. Once you are gathered together on the bow of the boat, recite the following to Poseidon himself:
“Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, I implore you in your graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name “___________________” (mention the old boat name), which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name, to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from the sea.”
Drop the metal tag over the bow into the water. Then say:
“In grateful acknowledgement of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court.”
Pour at least half the champagne into the water, from east to west. Share the rest among yourselves. This concludes the Purging Ceremony.
If you have alread had the transom graphics changed, keep the new name covered until you finish all the steps.
The Renaming Ceremony: (you may physically add the new vessel name after the ceremony)
Address Poseidon once again:
“Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, I implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as “___________________” (say the vessel’s new name), guarding her with your mighty arm and trident and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm. In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation, and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court.”
Have additional champagne on hand, because you will need to pour it, minus one glass for you and one for the mate, into the water, this time from west to east.
Appease the four wind gods, Boreas, Zephyrus, Eurus, Notus.
Renaming a vessel also involves asking for fair winds and calm seas for your future voyages. Recite:
“Oh mighty rulers of the winds, through whose power our frail vessels traverse the wild and faceless deep, we implore you to grant this worthy vessel “_________________” (say your vessel’s new name) the benefits and pleasures of your bounty, ensuring us of your gentle ministration according to our needs.”
Next, you will address each wind god individually.
Face north, pour champagne into a champagne flute and toss the libation to the north as you say:
“Great Boreas, exalted ruler of the North Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your frigid breath.”
Face West, repeating the champagne pour and toss while saying:
“Great Zephyrus, exalted ruler of the West Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your wild breath.”
Face East, repeating the champagne pour and toss while saying:
“Great Eurus, exalted ruler of the East Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your mighty breath.”
Face South, pouring the champagne and tossing it while reciting:
“Great Notus, exalted ruler of the South Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your scalding breath.“
Finish Off the Champagne
Indulge in honor of completing the ceremony. Now, you may take your first item bearing the new name onto your vessel.
If you wish to download these instructions for the ceremony of renaming a boat, you may download them in printable PDF format via the link below:

Reference: Discoverboating.com