USCG Boat Registration, also known as Coast Guard Vessel Documentation, is designed to Federally register your vessel with the United States Coast Guard. This process files your required paperwork with the National Vessel Documentation Center, or NVDC. Unlike State Boat Registration application processes, you will not receive “stickers” or “tabs.” USCG Boat Registration provides you with a Certificate of Documentation form that you must keep onboard your vessel at all times.
Just like automobile registration, documenting your vessel with the US Coast Guard identifies nationality, establishes indisputable possession and helps regulate vessels of restricted trades. To process your documentation simply proceed to our secured Vessel Documentation Forms page:
In order to Document your vessel with the United States Coast Guard, you must file the correct application, pay the appropriate fees, and upload the necessary supporting documents.
If you have recently purchased a vessel that has already been Documented by the Coast Guard (larger than 25ft., possessing a 6-7 digit Official Number, marked in block-type Arabic numerals not less than three inches in height on some clearly visibleĀ interiorĀ structural part of the hull, having a Vessel Name and Hailing Port on the stern of the vessel, and lacking state registration numbers) simply file an application for Transfer of Ownership via this link:
If you have recently purchased a vessel that has never been Documented by the Coast Guard, you may proceed to the form for Initial Documentation here:
If you currently own a vessel that is NOT Documented by the Coast Guard (registered and titled in a U.S. State), and wish to obtain a Certificate of Documentation, you may file for Initial Documentation via the link above.